Our quality of print, range of services and commitment to exceeding customer expectation makes us the logical choice for the quality conscious print buyer.

We are Passionate

With history going back to 'Close & Manley' of the 1960s Graphic Press has evolved into a serious player in providing print solutions. We are totally committed to creating the best possible print products possible. Weve been passionate about printing since the 60s we create quality print products.

We are Innovative

Graphic Press & Packaging have invested in keeping current with trends in the printing industry with up-to-date machinery, and cutting edge execution of new design elements. At Graphic Press, we offer design, prepress, printing and post-print processing services not only locally but Nationwide.

We are Caring

As a community-focused business, we understand the value of supporting our local community.We are members of Print NZ, New Zealands Printers Association. www.printnz.co.nz View www.partoflife.co.nz to see how print impacts on many aspects of our lives.